FREE 10-Day Detox To Start Healing Naturally

B12 for Increased Energy and a Clear Mind

B12, which is also known as cobalamin, is an amazing vitamin. If you are fatigued, have low energy, have mood swings or don’t feel well in general, next to detoxifying and eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits, B12 is one of my favorite supplements that makes a HUGE difference for people. B12 is absolutely […]

Does a Face Mask Really Make a Difference?

As a physician, when people have come into the clinic with their cloth or surgical face masks on in the last couple of months, I have been observing people’s behavior and also my own. Most people are either wearing a cloth mask (homemade or otherwise) or a surgical mask. Much like the use of a […]

MDMA (Ecstasy) Therapy for PTSD

*As of this writing MDMA is still illegal for use in the USA, but is in current clinical drug trials (Sept 2020). Please DO NOT contact me for more information as to how to do this with the consideration that it is still ILLEGAL. This post is for informational purposes only. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder […]

A Blood Gushing Cut Straight To The Bone

Two weeks ago, I was cutting sweet potatoes and wasn’t paying much attention for whatever reason. I had my middle finger directly under the sweet potato. I cut and sliced right into the underside (palmar) of my finger all the way to the bone. Blood started to gush out of my finger, I tensed up […]

Covid-19, Racism and The Agenda Behind It All

On major issues, the Mainstream Media (MSM) has one objective – distract,  control, divide and conquer. Here is my default with regards to the mainstream media (MSM) – whenever an issue is pushed hard, there is always a puppet master pulling the strings. You can choose to focus on the tree (whatever issue the MSM […]

Is Covid-19 (Coronavirus) A Massive Media Hoax?

“None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”  ― Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe Do you have questions about Covid-19? Do you trust the mainstream media (MSM)? Do you believe everything that you are being told about this plandemic?  Subscribe to alternative and independent media JUST at the very least to […]

How To Face The Sadness, Anger and Uncertainty of Today

We are living in some crazy moments in history at this moment. What are the emotions that you have been feeling in the past couple of weeks? I wanted to share what I have been feeling, in the hopes that you might identify with them and be able to experience HOPE as we move into […]

Corona Virus Fears – Protect Yourself – Boost Immunity

You may have already heard the news about the corona virus that started in Wuhan, China. It is reported that 26 people have died from viral pneumonia and hundreds more are infected. They even have quarantined this city of 11 million people. Viral pneumonia can occur when an initial cold virus worsens and causes air […]

FREE 10-Day Detox To Start Healing Naturally

FREE 10-Day Detox To Boost your Energy, Sleep Better, And Decrease Pain & Inflammation – All Naturally!

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How To Heal Digestive Pain And Discomfort, Lose Stubborn Body Fat, And Boost Your Energy