Who We Help

Do you have a health issue that you haven't gotten relief from yet?

Have you tried many things or gone to many different doctors in search of answers?

I get phone calls all the time from people asking me, "Can you help me with xxxx?

Never once in many years of practice have I answered NO to this question. Here's the reason why:

Chinese medicine is a complete system of medicine that has been helping people heal from all health conditions for thousands of years. It is a system that aims to bring the whole body into balance.

Healing is possible for anything! I really believe that. Just so you know, in Chinese medicine we don't say we treat or cure any Western labeled condition, but we do balance out patterns and every condition follows one or more patterns. When things are balanced, symptoms disappear!

So the bottom line is that we can help you. Please read below about some of the conditions that people usually seek Dr. Scott's help for.

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About Dr. Scott

Dr. Scott Graves, AP is a Board Licensed Acupuncture Physician who specializes in Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Nutrition Response Testing, General Health and more.

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