I’m convinced that this virus is the most political virus the world has ever seen. I’m not a Republican or a Democratic, but for me, this is easy to see. It has been ultra polarizing and divisive, but that is the goal of the mainstream media, especially during this election year. Recently, a gentleman by the name of Ivor Cummings made a great video showing how we in the middle of a casedemic now, not a pandemic.
If you have been on my mailing list for a while you already know where I stand on this covid-19 issue. People have died and this is so unfortunate and saddening. Loss of life is something we never take trivially.
As I recap the last 6 months below, from what I have seen, the fallout to this virus is much worse than the virus itself.
- The virus is real and it is making people sick and can lead to infections and death (as all acute cold and flu viruses can do). We mourn the loss of life for these people.
- The virus affects those mostly who are obese, diabetic, over the age of 75, hypertensive, have lungs issues like COPD and those with already existing immune challenges. ALL OF THESE ISSUES ARE ALMOST 100% PREVENTABLE WITH THE RIGHT LIFESTYLE AND DIETARY CHANGES. The one exception is age. Unfortunately, we can’t roll back the clock. So if this isn’t you, you really are not much at risk. The science proves this. 6% of deaths only had the virus listed as the only cause of death. 94% have 2.5 existing comorbidities. Of those in the 6%, I can easily make a case (based on the science) that they mostly were not actually healthy, but consumed the awful Standard American Diet (SAD Diet), were nutrient deficient, and didn’t exercise much. This led to weakened immunity, and when combined with fear and isolation, people have died. But, we can only speculate on this. The survival rate is 99.7+% right now for everyone. For reference, The Black Death pandemic in the 1300’s killed an estimated 100 million people or 40% of the entire population of Europe. For covid-19, those from the ages of 0-19, the survival rate is 99.997%, 20-49 is 99.98% as per CDC’s most recent updates. Statistically, what this means is that there is an almost ZERO percent chance of dying if you are under the age of 50. If you are are under the age of 50 and actually live a healthy lifestyle, the risk of dying is zero. Protect the elderly and let everyone else live as they normally do, without restriction. These lockdowns need to end…period. Other than this, I (and many others) question the entire covid-19 narrative.
- The tests are unreliable at best (both antibody and PCR).
- Hospitals are incentivized to list covid-19 as cause of death with medicare, with potentially $34,000 more gained per death.
- Covid deaths have been greatly exaggerated and people dying of other things are listed as covid deaths.
- The virus was around at least one year before march 2020. This alone brings the whole narrative into question. The virus just suddenly and magically started to affect people 1 year later???
- Our global economy is in shambles.
- Trillions of dollars in “economic stimulus” have been printed out of thin air debasing our currency making us all much poorer. If people really understood this, we would rightly all revolt against the entire government and The Federal Reserve, Democrat and Republican alike. The ones who print our money (globally) are a private corporation (The Federal Reserve) and earn interest on money they “lend” to us. It is the biggest ponsi scheme in history. They are the ultra rich and have far more money than the Bill Gates of the world. The interest on this money is billions of dollars. All they do is print money and say they are the regulators and saviors of the markets, which is nonsense. This is market manipulation at its core, and is crony false capitalism, not a free market.
- The Federal Reserve is the one of the main sources of the problem. The markets haven’t been free since 1913 and the currency is worth 99% less than what it was 107 years ago. This is a fact. Just in my lifetime alone, the purchasing power of the dollar has decreased dramatically thanks to The Federal Reserve printing money whenever they want.
- Fear massively depresses immune function. I have worked with many people clinically in the last 6 months that are terrified of getting covid, even bringing them to the point of complete adrenal exhaustion. For many, fear is the problem, not this virus. Learn to surrender your fears.
- The science on mask wearing is very non conclusive.
- Suicides and drug overdose deaths are up.
- Domestic abuse is up by 20%.
- Viral disinfectants like hand sanitizers and cleaning agents contain tons of toxic chemicals and will lead to other health issues.
- Most soaps also contain many harmful and toxic chemicals. Use an organic soap and wash hands regularly.
- Depression is 3 times higher now.
- Millions are out of work and won’t recover.
- The dominant theory in the Western world is germ theory, but I personally feel terrain theory is so much better at understanding sickness and disease.
- Thousands of small business have closed or will close and never recover. The virus is not worse than the fall out. The fallout is much worse. People are dying because they are unhealthy, not because of this virus.
- Simple things like vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, exercise, getting out into the sun, and meditation have been proven scientifically over and over to be enormously effective in preventing covid-19 deaths and visits to the hospital. Vitamin D alone reduces the risk of going to the ICU by 96% in those with covid, as seen in this study. Between these 3 things, I think vitamin D is the least protective. Yet, alone it can reduce ICU admission by 96% in those with covid. Imagine what intravenous vitamin C would do combined with zinc. Statistically speaking, hardly anyone would have to die if people took these things or hospitals used intravenous vitamin C.
- People all over the planet are waking up to how ridiculous these lockdowns are in the face of 99.99% recovery for those under age 50. Recently, 447 Belgium medical doctors and 1460 other health professionals are calling for the end to these lockdowns and clear violations to people’s civil liberties. These physicians are not alone.
- You are the cure. Not a vaccine, not a mask, not social distancing…YOU. You can download my free 35 page “Crushing The Cold and Flu Guide” here. Having a strong immune system is the cure. Let your immune system do its job if you give the body what it needs to function correctly. The virus is not our problem, the poor health of our society is and these nonsensical lockdown measures.
The lockdowns and other measures are based upon politics and bad science. The following video was made from extracting scientific data and makes a claim that we are in the middle of a “casedemic” now and that the measures we are currently taking are counterproductive for immunity. Not only that, but the guy doing the video has a very cool Irish accent.
Be well, Dr. Scott