This week I was reading through Dr Westin Price’s book called Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (#ad). It is an incredible book. Dr. Price was a dentist that traveled the world to discover what the secrets were to healthy teeth. What he found was shocking then and now. Not only that, what he learned applies now more than ever. I also found myself very saddened when thinking about how much wisdom there was in indigenous cultures that we have largely dismissed. They had so much more of life figured out than we still do, especially as it pertains to health and general well being.
In the 1920’s and 30’s, Dr. Westin Price went to indigenous cultures all over the world still untouched by modern Western civilization to look at their teeth, diet, and way of life. Whenever indigenous cultures came into contact with and starting consuming modern foods, disaster ensued. In every indigenous culture around the world he found the exact same things as they related to their teeth, health and contact with our modern world. Here are some of his findings.
- In every indigenous culture untouched by modern civilization he found perfect dental arches, and virtually no tooth decay. Less than 2% of all the people, adults included, got dental cavities throughout their entire lives. They never brushed or flossed their teeth. This means that they had no need for fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, root canals or the removal of wisdom teeth. Virtually every adult died with a full mouth of perfect teeth. And lastly, they didn’t get any degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, hormone and endocrine imbalances or autoimmune conditions. He concluded after traveling the entire world that the condition of our teeth is largely a reflector of poor nutrition and degeneration.
- When indigenous people started consuming modern foods and abandoning their native diets, tooth decay and cavities were rampant within years, dental arches deformed and narrowed in just the next generation, and they started to suffer and die from degenerative conditions that previously were almost non-existent.
- With the introduction to these modern lifeless, disease provoking foods, the immunity of the indigenous dropped so precipitously that they no longer had the power to protect themselves from tuberculosis (infectious disease). Whereas in those tribes and communities that continued to consume a native diet, had powerfully immunity and rarely got sick.
- Modern Western foods consumed at that time were (but not limited to) the following: refined white sugar, refined white wheat products (flour), vegetable oils (corn, soy and canola), polished (white) rice and canned goods.
- Westin Price also noticed a direct correlation with mental health issues and these disease provoking foods. The introduction of white flour, sugar, vegetable oils, white rice and canned foods contributed to significant changes in abnormal behavior, psychosis, depression and unhappiness. With the removal of such foods and the addition of nutrient dense foods, these issues decreased significantly or disappeared.
- Through experiments with people in the USA suffering from the same dental problems, when he instructed them to remove these foods from their diets and start consume nutrient dense whole organic foods, tooth decay and cavities stopped and immunity improved immediately.
- Although food varied in places around the world, indigenous cultures survived on animal meats (including all organ meats and other parts of the body), a variety of sea foods, dairy products, nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruits, and legumes. Organ meats are the most nutrient dense of all parts of the body. In the wild, when a lion kills its prey, it goes after the liver first, because it is loaded with nutrients.
Most people don’t associate teeth problems with poor diet and nutrition. However, teeth are bones and bones need specific nutrients in order to remain strong and healthy. To make matters even worse, 90 years ago, in many ways, life was simpler. Today, we have access to unlimited amounts of these disease provoking foods. When we sacrifice convenience and taste over cooking and health, in short periods of time health will decline and degenerate. Convenience foods satisfy in the short run, but kill in the long run, costing us vast amounts of money, mental well being and vitality.
This book is filled with nutritional gold when it comes to understanding health and disease. Dr Westin Price gave this world a gift with his keen analysis of what constitutes and contributes to health of the teeth and the body. If you have not read his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration (#ad), I would highly encourage you to do so. A book that has wonderful recipes which aligns well with Dr. Weston Price’s findings is called The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook (#ad). It is a full color book, with easy to follow instructions, which helps people to have more energy, sleep better and decrease pain and inflammation.
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