Almost all of the people that I see clinically have some kind of liver signs or symptoms. Those symptoms include depression, anxiety, headaches/migraines, high blood pressure, epilepsy, irritability, poor appetite, stuck sensation in the throat, PMS symptoms, pain in the epigastric region, dizziness, vertigo, stroke, nausea, vomiting, skin disorders, insomnia, nightmares, tinnitus, constipation, diarrhea, numbness, tingling, night blindness, pain anywhere in the body, floaters in the eyes, cramps, spasms, poor memory, sore back and knees, tremors, tics and TMJ issues.
Do you have any of these symptoms?
The reason for all these problems is very simple: nutritional deficiencies, the accumulation of metals and chemicals, stress and poor diet.
Let’s address one component of a poor diet today. The liver has to produce bile (the gallbladder holds bile), which is needed to break or emulsify down fat.
Let me say this very clearly. If you are trying to heal any of the above symptoms, you need to reduce or eliminate fat from your diet. I am not saying fat is bad, but I am saying, “Why give your liver more work to do when it is already overburdened?!”
This is another reason I am not a huge fan of keto, even though I know it can be beneficial at times.
Fat just gives the liver even more work to do. Fat is the hardest thing for the body to break down and contains the most calories and is largely devoid of nutrients.
Additionally, there are bad fats and good fats.
Bad fats come from polyunsaturated vegetable (seed) oils such as canola, corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola. Dairy products, pork and eggs are not good fats in my book either. I know, call me crazy.
Good fats would be organic nuts, seeds, coconut, olive, avocado and fat naturally found in organic meats.
Again, if you want to be healthy, I would avoid fats. People need massive amounts of fruits and veggies to heal, not fat.
Here’s one more piece to the puzzle.
Do NOT combine fat and sugar together (the body sees alcohol as sugar too – alcohol is bad news). This is what creates metabolic problems (think diabetes), insulin resistance and weight gain. Fat acts like a layer of goop surrounding your cells which inhibits insulin from transporting sugar into it. You need sugar for energy!
You do not find fat and sugar together in nature (with exception of coconut and avocado – minimal sugar). Every snack in the world today combines fat and sugar (to manipulate your taste buds and keep you addicted to those things).
One of the things people who eat healthy do is eat organic chips, thinking they are healthy. Chips are not healthy. They combine fat and sugar together and poison the liver with fat!
If you consume animal protein, eat it with vegetables and no cooking oils. Additionally, as soon as you add rice (sugar), wheat (sugar), potato (sugar) or sweet potato (sugar), you will start to create insulin resistance. Many Americans eat fat and sugar together with every meal.
Try to eat fruits separated from sources of fat as well.
I eat tons of good sugar every day (organic fruit, maple syrup, coconut sugar, and honey), am 6’2” and weigh 165 pounds with no metabolic problems. In fact, 85% of my diet is fruits and veggies. Bad fat and bad sugar (refined sugar, white rice, wheat, alcohol) and too much fat and sugar make you gain weight.
I find it really easy to overeat fat (and therefore gain weight), and really hard to overeat with tons of fruits and vegetables. I have yet to hear someone tell me they got fat just from eating organic fruits and vegetables.
Fruits are some of the most nutrient dense things you can consume. I eat at least 6 servings (cups) per day and stay very active.
So here are the rules if want to be healthier:
- Don’t overeat. Sorry, I had to say this.
- Don’t combine fat with sugar of any kind.
- If you have a craving for sugar, eat sugar (fruit) and don’t combine it with fat.
- Eliminate bad fats.
- Eliminate bad sugars.
- Eat tons of organic fruits and vegetables.
This advice alone would help most of the planet not get disease, especially if they did this from the time they were a baby.