Free Phone Consult
Whether you are in the Orlando, Florida area or you live somewhere else, Dr. Scott can help. Whatever your health condition may be, he can offer you guidance, support, motivation and powerful tools that can give your body what it needs to heal itself. He has very specific nutritional protocols for over 600 different types of health conditions. He does phone consultations with people all over the world through Skype and would be honored to work with you.
To schedule your free, no-obligation 15-minute call with Dr. Scott, click the button below:
Schedule TODAY and make this the first step in revolutionizing your health. Besides, he promises not to bite. You have nothing to lose by calling to see if you might be a good fit!
- Do you want to improve your health?
- Can you help me with my health issue?
- Do you want to prevent disease and sickness in your life?
- What does a Naturopath do anyway?
- Do you have a major health concern and are convinced that you may not be getting the results you desire with your regular doctor or current plan?
- What parts of your life would you have to change in order to be more healthy?
These are all questions that many people have when they work with Dr. Scott for the first time. What better way to get any initial questions that you have answered in a FREE – NO OBLIGATION 15 minute phone call. During this phone call we can discuss what a typical visit looks like, how much the visits are, how we can set up a plan specific for any health issue that you.
Much of what I focus on revolves around these 5 things:
1. Diet
Coming along side of you to determine what foods are going to help you heal and which ones are going to harm you. We first focusing on adding things into the diet rather than focusing on taking things away. The transition for most should be gradual, working towards establishing new lifestyle habits that become and remain a part of your life forever. Diet is the most important part to preventing and reversing disease.
2. Supplementation
Whole food supplements are just that, in that they are made from food. Healing with food takes time, I always tell the people who I see that healing with diet and lifestyle is like running a marathon and not a sprint. Progress happens but it does so over longer periods of time. Through nutrition response testing we can determine what supplements your body would like to use so that it can rebuild, restore and repair your body. We also help the body to remove toxins and impurities with natural substances that are causing problems in your body.
3. Other Lifestyle Changes
One of the things that I help people to focus on is seeing areas in their lives where they may be contributing to ill-health and disease without even knowing it. For example, many people add Splenda to their coffee in the morning. Splenda is a neurotoxin that research is now exposing as being a cause to many nasty brain diseases that we have today such as Alzheimer’s. Another area is with regards to the things we expose our bodies too. Your deodorant or shower soap may be a prime contributor to disease without you even knowing it. Most personal health care products contain harsh and toxic chemicals which are harmful to the body. Alternatives are available that are great, and with a little guidance, these changes can be made so that you facilitate health in your life.
4. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a very powerful tool that has been used for thousands of years to help people heal and Dr. Scott uses it frequently to help people heal.
5. Emotional Healing
This is Dr. Scott’s area of specialty. He was healed of 11 years of heavy depression simply by letting go of the negative emotions that he held onto in two very powerful memories. When he did this, he was instantly free from 11 years of suffering. This is very different than therapy and counseling. Often times, you can talk about your issues and never heal. But, by releasing emotions from the body, many powerful healing shifts can occur.
Click the button below to schedule your free call now:
Schedule Your FREE 15 Minute Phone Call Now
Click the button below or call 407-255-0314 now for a FREE 15 minute phone consultation with Dr. Scott
About Dr. Scott
Dr. Scott Graves, AP is a Board Licensed Acupuncture Physician who specializes in Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Nutrition Response Testing, General Health and more.