Letting Go Of Depression

Heal Your Body, Free Your Mind, And Live In Peace

Written By:

Dr. Scott Graves, AP, ND, MA


How This Book Will Change Your Life

Dr. Scott Graves has helped thousands of people heal from depression naturally without the use of pharmaceutical drugs. He helps people understand the root causes and gives people the knowledge and tools to thrive and feel alive again.

This is the roadmap to healing from depression and anxiety... in a short period of time.


Most people who are depressed or anxious turn first to a medical doctor to find relief for the pain that they feel.

What most people don’t understand is that in independent studies, depression medication rarely if ever performs better than a placebo (sugar pill). This is a dirty secret the pharmaceutical companies won’t tell you.

Not only that, after a couple of months depression medication can actually make you feel worse, which is why in 2007 depression medication was mandated to contain a black box warning due to increasing the risk of suicide, the very thing its supposed to prevent. Isn’t that crazy?!

The truth is that so many things exist outside of what your medical doctors know that have been proven to help people heal naturally from depression and anxiety. Letting Go of Depression details exactly what Dr. Scott did to heal from 11 years of heavy depression. This knowledge has been used to help thousands of people heal in his clinic over the last 10 years.

By cutting out the noise and providing a clear and proven plan, this roadmap helps those struggling with depression and anxiety to heal the body, free the mind and live in peace.

Here's what the plan in this book will guide you through...

  • The top 2 physical causes of depression
  • Step by step instructions on how to heal from the top 2 physical causes of depression
  • The 9 most toxic foods cause contribute to and cause physical depression
  • Why anti-depression medication is not the answer and makes depression worse
  • Cancer SuppUnderstanding why content versus context in life is so important to understand
  • The five levels of healing in the body and how each level affects us
  • How muscle testing/applied kinesiology is one of the ultimate biofeedback tools
  • Understanding how Chinese medicine has had the answers for depression for thousands of years
  • One powerful natural substance that’s legal in one state that cures depression more than 50% of the time
  • How a tool called tapping can help you release your negative emotions quickly and powerfully
  • My personal story and the 2 memories which were the root of 11 years of suffering and what I did to heal
  • Knowing that healing, peace and freedom can be yours with the tools discussed in this book

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About the Author

My name is Scott Graves. I'm a licensed acupuncture physician in the state of Florida, and at the age of 21 I entered into a depression that lasted for 11 long years.

My energy tanked, I desperately searched for answers and I started to feel like I didn't want to live anymore. I went to my medical doctor and the only thing he gave me was an anti depression medication that made me feel funny and eventually worse with time.

I never gave up trying to find answers and after going through Chinese medical school and reading the best scientific literature available today, I was able to completely heal naturally.

Since then, I have helped thousands of people heal their depression and anxiety through dietary changes, detoxification, whole food supplementation, acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and emotional release.

You can heal your body naturally just like I did. By following a few simple guidelines, you can put a structure in place to heal that doesn't require tons of time or effort.

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Who Absolutely Needs to Pick Up A Copy of Letting Go of Depression?

  • Those who have taken pharmaceutical drugs and still don’t feel well
  • Seekers who suspect and know a natural path of healing exists
  • Motivated people who are ready to do what it takes to heal powerfully
  • Believers in alternative methods that have been proven to work