
Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture

has been used by Chinese royalty for hundreds of years to turn back the clock and reverse the appearance of aging. Mei Zen means "beautiful person" and now you can experience the treatment that kept royalty looking young and healthy for yourself!

"Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture made me feel like a brand new women and took years off my face!"


- Jenny Smith


Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Potential Benefits:

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Increases collagen production in the face
  • Stimulates circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage
  • An overall improved sense of well-being and health (remember we are treating the whole body)
  • Reduces signs of stress and aging
  • Improves complexion and facial glow
  • Facilitates the skin's healing process
  • Lifts droopy eyelids

Are you curious about how it works?

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* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

100+ Five-Star Google Reviews

In addition to the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture, people commonly report the following with treatment:

  • Alleviation of fatigue
  • Reduction of inflammation
  • Diminishing levels of anxiety
  • Having a better overall mood
  • Better sleep
  • Reduction of hot flahes and night sweats
  • Improved hormonal function
  • Better digestion
  • Better sexual experience
  • More optimistic and positive
  • Improved memory and recall

Not only do you get facial benefits from Mei Zen, but you get results in many other areas of the body due to how all the acupuncture channels in the face are connected to the rest of the body. You also get dietary support, supplemental advice, free access to Dr. Scott's online health course Total Gut Transformation, and so much more.

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Or just call 407-255-0314 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

100+ Five-Star Google Reviews


How Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Works…

Initial 1 Hour New Patient Consultation

Before cosmetic acupuncture treatment begins, it is required to have a 1 hour new patient appointment ($140), so Dr. Scott can deeply assess your body's specific needs and give you medical advice that will help bring the best results to you during your treatment. You will be given body balancing acupuncture during this appointment and Dr. Scott will also do Nutrition Response Testing.

Pretreatment Work Starts

Optimizing your diet, supplements and other areas of your life can have a profound impact on your skin. Dr. Scott will make recommendations in the first session according to your body's needs and will recommend things to get started to fully optimize getting your results over the next 5 weeks. You will also get free access to Dr. Scott's health course called Total Gut Transformation

Mei Zen Treatment Begins

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is a 10 treatment series that is done over 5 weeks. Treatments must be done 2 times per week. 5 facial treatments and 5 treatments for the neck (and face) are done. It is suggested to schedule these treatments on a Mon-Wed, Tues-Thurs, or Mon-Thurs. Back to back day sessions are not allowed. Sessions are 1 hour long. Needles are kept in the face for about 30 minutes. 

After Treatment Follow Up

Results from Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture typically last for 1.5-3 years. It is recommended for full and lasting benefits to do the full 10 sessions every 2 years. Another option is to do 1 month follow up appointments that alternate every other month with the face and neck protocols. 

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Or just call 407-255-0314 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

100+ Five-Star Google Reviews


How Does Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture Compare To Other Treatments?

Rhytidectomy - Face Lift

Rhytidectomy (face lift): skin is undermined, muscles tightened, and skin re-draped. Facelifts last for between 5 and 10 years so one is not enough. They generally cost over $10,000. Risks include death (because you are anesthetized), hypertrophic scarring, nerve damage and numbness, sloughing of skin, and banding. A neck lift will usually cost about $5,000.

Botox injections:

Botox injections: Botulism bacterium (sterilized). Results last 3-6 months so re-injecting it every three to six months is necessary to maintain the results. The cost can be $300 and above for each syringe. The risk list is lengthy: bruising, leakage of the toxin into nearby muscles causing weakness, eyelid droop, inability to make  facial expressions (this is why most people get Botox injections but then they “forget” that they can’t make facial expressions with paralyzed muscles), decreased blinking, headaches, double vision, dryness of the eyes, and sometimes facial pain. A very rare side effect can be asymmetry of facial expression.

Collagen injections:

This is bovine collagen used as filler, usually for lines around the mouth, nasolabial grooves and lines between eyebrows. Since it’s not from humans (bovine = cow) allergy testing is required before the injections can be administered. Can cost $300+ per syringe and lasts from 3 to 18 months. Side effects can include swelling, redness, visible white bumps in the skin, changes in skin color, and irritation.


Synthetic form of hyaluronic acid. $500 to $1000 per syringe. Lasts 3 to 12 months and doesn’t require allergy testing. Patients tell me that it hurts quite a bit and that the degradation of it can be a little lumpy. The massaging that you have to do to make it “fit into your lips” can be painful too. There are many injectables out there including Dysport, Radiesse, Perlane, Juvederm, Prevelle, Sculptra, and I’m certain that more will be developed.


Blepharoplasty - upper and/or lower eyelid lift -removes excess skin and/or fat from the eyelid area. Can cost over $4000 for both procedures. Some of the risks are inability to close your eyes completely, hypertrophic scarring, nerve damage, and believe it or not, death.

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture:

Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture is the only procedure that will not only help you to get the results you want for your face, it will also help to heal and treat your whole body. The cost is low ($1500) compared to other types of facial treatments and you get access to Dr. Scott and his guidance on how to heal in any area of your health. Additionally, there are virtually no risks and only amazing benefits that come from these treatments. 

Dr Scott Graves-Photoroom

About Dr. Scott

You Can Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands – And I Can Help.

My name is Dr. Scott Graves. I'm a naturopath and licensed acupuncture physician, and at the age of 17 I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune condition).

My energy tanked, my stomach was always aching and I started to feel depressed for the first time. I went to my medical doctor and when I asked him why my thyroid wasn't making the hormones it needed to he shrugged stating, "We don't know… here's your prescription that you will have to take for the rest of your life."

Gulp. No advice was offered and I was sent home with just drugs to take.

I never gave up trying to find answers and after going through Chinese medical school and reading the best scientific literature available today, I was able to get my energy back and conquer the depression. I wrote about my healing in my book "Letting Go of Depression."

Since then, I have helped thousands of people heal all kinds of health issues, soothe inflammation, relieve pain and get their energy back.

You can heal your body naturally just like I did. By following a few simple guidelines, you can put a structure in place to heal that doesn't require tons of time or effort.

Your initial 15-minute phone consultation is FREE.

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Your info is always kept 100% safe and private.

Or just call 407-255-0314 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

Common Questions & Answers About Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture

Does cosmetic acupuncture hurt?

Face needles are smaller than regular acupuncture needles and are extremely thin, and 98% of the time they cause no pain because they are razor sharp. You may feel a slight pinch with some of the points. Certain points can be mildly painful, but it passes in seconds. Our needles are sterile and are only used once. Some bruising may also occur at some of the point locations. 

What is the cost of the 10 treatments?

The total cost of the 10 treatments is $1500 dollars, is paid up front and is non-refundable. After the initial session, it is suggested that you schedule all your sessions in advance. 

Should I use a specific skin care regimen?

Dr. Scott will advise you on specific products to take to enhance your treatment. Avoid wearing make-up to each session. 

Is there a guarantee that this will work?

Results are not guaranteed. Dr. Scott guarantees that you will get
results, but can’t guarantee that they will be the results that you want. Mei Zen works very well. People normally report wonderful results and are very pleased with not only how their face looks, but how good the rest of their body feels after 10 treatments.

Do you accept insurance?

Insurance is not accepted for cosmetic acupuncture. 

Is there any restrictions for doing cosmetic acupuncture?

If you have a serious or chronic disease, it is imperative to work on healing this before doing Mei Zen Cosmetic Acupuncture. Dr. Scott can help with this. This procedure is contraindicated for people who have seizure disorders and migraine headaches. It is contraindicated for patients who have uncontrolled hypertension. Uncontrolled hypertension means that the person knows that they have high blood pressure and is “supposed” to take medications but they don’t. It is not indicated for those taking blood thinning drugs due to risk of excessive bleeding or for those who are pregnant. People who smoke, use alcohol to excess, and have extensive sun damage might not get optimal results with this procedure.

Anything I can do to minimize bruising?

  • Stop taking any supplement which is a blood thinner (only if they are not medically necessary, of course!). Some common supplements that can thin your blood are Vitamin E, Aspirin and Baby Aspirin.
  • You can take Arnica before and during the course of your treatments.
  • Avoid exercise before arriving to your appointment. Better to do your exercise afterward.
  • Do not steam, sauna or take a hot shower before your treatments.

Do you accept HSA and FSA cards?

The credit card processor we use accepts one of the two processing codes for these cards. About 50% of the time they go through. In the case it does not go through, you can submit the receipt and people get reimbursed 100% of the time.

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Or just call 407-255-0314 and we’ll be happy to answer your questions.

* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

Don't Take My Word For It – See What People Are Saying On Our Public Google Listing

(Note: See over 75+ more happy reviews on my Google Listing!)

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* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

100+ Five-Star Google Reviews

Here’s How Our Unique Combination of FOUR Very Potent, Time-Tested 100% Natural Therapies Work For Other Health Issues

Gentle, Painless Acupuncture

The acupuncture system is a part of your body’s electrical system. The needles help to communicate with the brain nervous system to restore, upregulate or downregulate the flow of electricity to every part of the body. When this happens, pain and inflammation decrease, energy increases, and you begin to feel better.

Nutrition Response Testing (NRT)

Nutritional Response Testing uses applied kinesiology or muscle testing to test your body for heavy metals, heavy chemicals, food sensitivities, pathogens and scars that may be impeding your healing in addition to the weakest organ, gland or body part that needs to be supported the most.

Functional Medicine, Herbs and Nutritional Supplementation

In addition to NRT, functional tests can be performed to find out how to best support your body nutritional needs. Herbal medicine has been used for millennia to help people heal. We use only the best pharmaceutical grade supplements to ensure that our products work.

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Your body takes its lead from your mind. Using the power of conscious awareness, you can harness the power of your own mind to help you relax and reduce stress. Meditation and emotional release techniques can help you heal the body and reclaim your health.

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* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).

100+ Five-Star Google Reviews

Where We're Located

Bringing the power of our unique style of natural medicine to the Orlando area

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* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).