FREE 10-Day Detox To Start Healing Naturally
Cold and Flu Prevention and Relief Summary
Steps to Prevent Cold and Flu
- Avoid the foods on The Nasty Nine list completely (refined sugar, all dairy products, wheat/gluten, alcohol, coffee, eggs, fried food/vegetable oils, corn, artificial sweeteners, and soy). These foods create most of the physical disease and health problems people have in the world today.
- Eat 6-10 servings (cups) of organic vegetables and fruits per day. Juicing (ad#) is the best way to make this happen. 16 ounces daily of celery juice, cucumber juice and/or carrot/apple juice is a great place to start.
- Exercise 3-5 times per week (make sure you sweat).
- Drink 50-100 ounces of purified water (not tap) every day.
- Detoxify regularly. Do this free 10 day detox every 3 months. Do the Standard Process 21 Day Purification Program once every year (email me for details). Green is the color of cleansing in Chinese medicine. Green grass powders, sprouts and green leafy vegetables are critical for cleansing the body.
- Consume immune boosting supplements daily (for adults). You can also find these products using Fullscript, the online pharmacy I use. Fullscript is an online pharmacy that has over 20,000 products, including pharmaceutical grade products. Products are cheaper than they are on Amazon and you get free shipping for orders over $50. All you have to do is sign up, find the tab “Immune Support” under “Favorites” and select the products that you would like to order.
- Liquid Zinc Sulfate (15-30mg per day).
- Vitamin D (2,000IUs per day). Check blood levels. 30-100ng/ml is the range. Over 60 is most ideal. Make sure your doctor orders this with every lab test you get in the future.
- Vitamin C (2,000-5,000mg per day). 1/4 tsp – up to 4 times daily or 1 tsp.
- Dulse Liquid Minerals – 30 drops per day.
- B Complex (1 per day). Make sure you use a B complex with the methylated forms of B9 and B12.
- NAC (600-1,800mg per day).
- Selenium (200mcg per day).
- Immuplex (2-4 capsules per day). This is a whole food multi vitamin for the immune system that has zinc, selenium, vitamin C, iron, B12, folate, vitamin E, vitamin A and so much more.
- Vitamin A. Juice carrots regularly. Eat more orange and yellow colored foods.
- Don’t listen to the mainstream media. Ivermectin is a powerful prophylactic (preventative) and many studies have shown its efficacy to prevent and treat. I personally don’t think it is necessary (but can be very helpful as an addition) if you have a clean diet and take the above supplements regularly. You might be able to get your hands on some through or through your medical doctor or functional medicine doctor (or nurse practitioner).
- Hydrogen peroxide/Iodine Nasal Spray. Make a saline solution with ½ tsp of sea salt and 8 ounces of purified (distilled) water (not tap water). Add 2 teaspoons of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (not the peroxide you can buy at the store, it needs to be food grade). Add 2 drops of nascent iodine. Stir well and add solution to a nasal spray bottle. Store the remaining solution in the refrigerator (good for up to 3 months). Cold and flu viruses concentrate in the nose and mouth. 1-2 pumps into the nose and mouth at a time. Use this 2 times day as a preventative. Use 4-6 times daily upon first symptoms of acute infection. If you are sensitive to iodine, just use hydrogen peroxide.
- Meditate daily to for stress relief. Use a free app like Insight Timer, Serenity, Calm or Headspace. I highly recommend starting the day with meditation for at least 15 minutes. For deeper emotional release, do The Sedona Method or Tapping every day for 15 minutes. Fear, anger, sadness, guilt, shame and any other negative emotion significantly lowers immune function. Negative memories/traumas that are unresolved from the past suppress immune function until they are fully surrendered.
- Get 8 hours of restful sleep per night. This is so critical. Immune function suffers greatly with impaired sleep. Sleep in critically dependent upon proper detoxification, getting lots of veggies and fruits and having enough nutrients.
- Meditation done earlier in the day can have a dramatic affect on sleep at night.
- Alcohol and caffeine kill restful sleep, even caffeine consumed in the morning.
- Don’t eat at least 3 hours before bedtime (very important).
- Make sure your room is very dark. Use eye night shades if you can’t cover your windows adequately.
- Either use ear plugs or a white noise machine to drown out noise that could easily wake you.
- Stop using electronics 1 hour before bed. Change light settings on electronics to block blue light at night. Lower light intensity or use blue blocking light bulbs at night.
- Have a sleep routine and be consistent with bed times.
- Use a guided sleep meditation at night to lull you into sleep.
- Keep your room cool (67-71 degrees) if possible.
Relief of cold or flu
- Vitamin C. Vitamin C is very powerful to prevent cold/flu but is just as wonderful to help heal. The key is to get to bowel tolerance and stay just under this (saturation). Upon noticing first symptoms (itchy or sore throat, runny nose, sneezing, cough, etc…), take 2,000-5,000mg (1 tsp = about 4,500mg) of vitamin C every hour until you get loose stools or diarrhea (smelly gas will be normal with this too). Once you get loose stools, ease off the vitamin C for an hour or two or longer. Then continue with 2,000-5,000mg until you continue to bump up to bowel tolerance again. You may get up to 40,000mg+ per day or more and not reach bowel tolerance. The last time I had the flu 11 years ago, I took 100,000mg per day and didn’t have loose stools. It is very important to continue taking vitamin C until your symptoms go away completely. Vitamin C is extremely safe, even in these large quantities. This vitamin C powder doesn’t taste great, so it can be mixed with juice to get down more easily.
- Vitamin D. An extra 5,000 or 10,000IUs (10,000-20,000 total per day) per day can be taken throughout the duration of symptoms.
- An extra 40-80mg (100mg total) of zinc per day can be taken while symptomatic. This is especially important for getting back your sense of taste and smell.
- Other helpful substances to take once symptoms appear:
- Vitamin B12 – 2 dropperfuls 2 times a day (adult doses)
- Elderberry Syrup – 1 tablespoon 3 times a day
- Goldenseal – 4 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- Cats Claw – 2 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- Lemon Balm – 4 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- Mullein Leaf – 4 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- Olive Leaf – 1 dropperfuls 2 times a day
- Oregano Oil – 1 dropperful 2 times a day
- Osha – 3 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- Lomatium Root – 3 dropperfuls 3 times a day
- IV therapy. If you have the financial resources, go and get IV therapy upon first symptoms. It will run you about $120-200 per session and can include vitamin C and other nutraceuticals.
- Continue with other supplements above as well.
- Nebulized hydrogen peroxide and iodine. This is critical to do on the first day of symptoms. Make sure you have these things on hand ahead of time. Buy a plug in nebulizer (not a battery operated one). Make a saline solution with ½ tsp of sea salt and 8 ounces of purified (distilled) water (not tap water). Add 2 teaspoons of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide (not the peroxide you can buy at the store, it needs to be food grade). Add 2-4 drops of nascent iodine. Add ½ teaspoon of this solution to the nebulizer, turn on and breathe in. Do this for 5-15 minutes every hour until you feel better. Once you feel better, do this 4-6 times daily for 5-15 minutes at a time until completely well. Store the saline/hydrogen peroxide/iodine solution in the refrigerator. For more information on nebulized hydrogen peroxide click here.
- Ivermectin is not only for prevention BUT treatment as well. It should/can be taken in the hospital as well. Consult with a physician about dosage.
- Monoclonal Antibodies – best to get as early as possible after first symptoms.
- Convalescent Plasma.
- Hydroxychloriquine days 1-5 (stage 1) of symptoms (with azithromycin (AZM) or doxycycline are recommended by the frontline doctors). See this document for treatment protocol available from The Frontline Doctors. If you take antibiotics, make sure to take probiotics simultaneously if possible. Again, don’t believe the mainstream media. This is a wonderful and safe medicine for transporting zinc into cells. Check to get this and have on hand if you get symptoms.
- Days 3-14 (stage 2) symptoms (check with medical doctor):
- Nebulized budesonide to help penetrate the lungs and reduce inflammation
- Oral prednisone, methylprednisolone, dexamethasone
- Colchicine – may also be added to reduce inflammation
- Full strength adult aspirin 325 mg to reduce inflammation and risk of blood clots (shortness of breath, chest pain, swelling or pain in arms and legs, difficulty speaking, weakness, facial drooping, anxiety). Blood clots are common with covid.
- Home oxygen concentrator may be needed to improve oxygen levels
- If you do go to the hospital, I personally would NOT take Remdesivir. It is a toxic, awful drug that kills people.
- Days 7 and beyond – The medicines to be added to Stage I and II medicines now include:
- Aspirin 325 mg unless told not to take by your doctors
- And/or low molecular weight heparin injections (e.g. enoxaparin [Lovenox])
OR - apixaban (Eliquis), or rivaroxaban (Xarelto), or dabigatran (Pradaxa) or
edoxaban (Savaysa) in standard doses for 5 to 30 days (blood thinners)
This information alone should serve to keep people from dying and could keep most people out of the hospital. The most important thing is prevention and early treatment. Don’t wait to start taking preventative measures or get early treatment. As a reminder, this is not medical advice and is informational/educational only. Anything you do in this document, you do at your own risk. Please consult your physician, especially as it concerns Western medical care.
FREE 10-Day Detox To Start Healing Naturally
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