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B12 for Increased Energy and a Clear Mind


B12, which is also known as cobalamin, is an amazing vitamin. If you are fatigued, have low energy, have mood swings or don’t feel well in general, next to detoxifying and eating large amounts of vegetables and fruits, B12 is one of my favorite supplements that makes a HUGE difference for people. B12 is absolutely necessary for the following things in the body:

  1. Great for low energy, fatigue and increasing physical performance. 
  2. Improves mood and symptoms of depression
  3. Needed for the health of good skin (any skin condition).
  4. Great for heart health.
  5. Metabolism in every cell of the body.
  6. Normal function of the digestive system.
  7. Red blood cell formation and anemia support.
  8. Preventing major birth defects (neural tube) and spontaneous abortion.
  9. Supporting bone health and density.
  10. May reduce risk of macular degeneration (blurry vision)
  11. Reduces cognitive decline and loss of neurons (help with brain diseases). It is essential for the preservation of the myelin sheath.

B12 exits in 4 forms cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. This is important to know because the most common form of B12 found in vitamins is cyanocobalamin. The “cyano” part is made from potassium cyanide. Yes, cyanide. While this may seem ominous, it is not, but simply is not the most useful form of B12 for the body. It has to be converted into adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin to be physiologically active. 

The conversion happens in the liver and if your liver is already worn out and tired, it may not do a good job. You may test and have good blood levels of B12 but it may not be in usable form and on a cellular level you could be VERY deficient. Most supplements are made of cyanocobalamin. 

If you have gastrointestinal issues (gas, bloating, burning, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea) you may not be absorbing B12 adequately. A protein called gastric intrinsic factor is needed for the absorption of dietary B12. With so many people having gut issues these days, it is quite a problem. In addition to this, if you don’t produce enough gastric acid in your stomach, or take acid reflux medications. The body is able to produce B12 from the intestine, but this probably isn’t happening anymore due to all of the gut inflammation that people have today. 

Therefore, if you have any skin conditions (acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.), fatigue, low mood, any neurological or brain condition, headaches, tremors, depression, anxiety, other mood disorders, any autoimmune condition, thyroid condition, allergies, aches and pains, brain fog, or memory issues, B12 is something that you should consider taking. 

In Chinese medicine an ancient proverb says, “He who takes medicine and neglects diet, wastes the skill of his physician.” The modern translation is, “If you think a supplement is going to fix your issues when your diet is awful, you waste your money.” Having a good diet is critical to your success towards feeling better. Avoid “The Nasty Nine” completely for best results (dairy, wheat, corn, soy, sugar, fried food, alcohol, pork, and eggs). 

Those foods will lower your energy, create mood problems and contribute to every liver and neurological problem known to man. Avoid them. To find the foods highest in B12, search here.

The recommended daily amount of B12 is 2.4 micrograms. However, since it is a water soluble vitamin, I suspect that people need much more than this amount to have fully optimized health. I do not recommend injections of B12 in the form of hydroxocobalamin. Buy a supplement with the already usable forms of B12 – adenosylcobalamin and methylcobalamin. 

The one I recommend the most is Vegansafe B12 (1 dropperful, twice per day). Try it for a couple of months. 

B12 and B9 (folate) need each other synergistically and many are deficient in B9. It is a methylated form of both vitamins. Pure Encapsulations B12 Folate (1 per day).

If you are in need of all B vitamins – I highly recommend Pure Encapsulations B complex (1 per day).

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