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Kratom: Dangerous Drug or Amazing Pain Reliever and Performance Enhancer?

kratom for pain

Have you ever heard of an herb called Kratom?

It comes from the leaves of an evergreen tree in the coffee family that is native to Southeast Asia. In 2016, 9 senators moved to have the DEA make Kratom a schedule 1 drug (no medicinal value, highly addictive). Over 140,000 people protested and petitioned the white house stating how Kratom is the single herb responsible for getting many people off opiates, while having significant medicinal use. They prevailed and the DEA backed off.

The real story here is that when something in nature works too well, Big Pharma likes to step in and make something illegal (like marijuana and entheogenic mushrooms). The truth is Kratom is a fantastic herb to help people relieve pain. But as with anything in this world, it can be abused, which can lead to health complications.

However, in this case, the upside of this herb versus the downside damaging effects of long term opiate use is not even debatable. Kratom is much safer and offers solid health benefits.

Benefits of Kratom

Kratom is generally used for 3 main things: Mood enhancement, increased energy and pain relief.

Kratom itself is not an opiate, but it does activate opioid receptors in the brain. This makes it far less potent than heroin, oxycontin or morphine. It is a unique substance, because it influences your serotonin, adrenaline and dopamine pathways.

Not much research has been done to date on this amazing herb, simply because Big Pharma won’t pour money into things like this unless they can isolate something, patent it and sell it for their own purposes. Studies in mice have indicated it is a powerful pain reliever and anti-inflammatory.

The potential downside to Kratom

When pushes have been made by the FDA and DEA to make this herb illegal, they cite a few deaths (less than 50) that have occurred within the last 10 years. This is just smoke and mirrors because in every one of the cases where this occurred they said kratom was found in the blood (and pointed to that as the cause of death), but they failed to mention harder drugs were also in their system such as heroin and cocaine (which actually killed them).

While it is an amazing herb, it can have addictive potential (but so can coffee and alcohol) and very chronic use can lead to liver damage (so can alcohol). One would have to use it multiple times per day for years for this to occur. A case can be made that even ibuprofen and Tylenol use are worse for you due to how liver toxic they both are.

How to consume Kratom

In general, lower doses act as a stimulant sharpening the senses, a feeling of energy, well being and sharper focus.

At higher doses, Kratom has a sedative, relaxing effect, which can allow one to feel more at ease.

Most of the presentations of Kratom come either in capsule form or powder form.

Here are the general rules for dosing:

  • 1-5 grams – stimulation
  • 5-10 grams – sedation and relaxation
  • 10+ grams – deep euphoria (nausea, diarrhea or temporary anxiety can be experienced)

Kratom Varieties

There are three distinct kratom varieties – Green, White, and Red.

  • Green kratom (Brave Botanicals – click link for high quality Kratom) tends to be more well rounded with smaller amounts providing stimulant like effects and larger amounts a more sedative effect.
  • White kratom varieties tend to be more energetic and up-lifting.
  • Red kratom types are more commonly used for pain and have more of a sedative effect. I have recommended this to many people over the years for temporary relief of pain.

My personal experience

I have tried many different kinds of Kratom. The white varieties are best to enjoy at night and the green during the day. I normally only take 1-2 grams and when I have taken up to 5 grams, the effects were more pronounced.

I have had the same bag of Kratom sitting in the kitchen cabinet for years. I don’t find it to be addictive at all, and only use it a couple times per year at most nowadays. However, when people are in pain and they want something natural that definitely works, I certainly recommend the red strains for short periods of time.

If you are chasing energy, I would highly suggest getting healthy first and not “needing” anything. So often toxic foods, lack of nutrients, clogged detox pathways and many other things keep us from having energy and keeping ourselves in pain. Kratom is a temporary band-aid.   It is important to fix root causes first and take kratom temporarily.

Over 140,000 people petitioned the government to allow them to freely continue the use of the herb specifically for how it has eased their pain and kept them from returning to opiates. It works very well and it is good to see how the people’s voice was heard loud and clear.

As always, please use such products at your own risk and be responsible.

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